Monday, December 15, 2014

The Most AWKWARD Lunch and The BIGGEST decision of My Mission!

WELL, this week was kind of a slump week for us. Our baptism dates fell and nobody was home.

BUT, Saturday and Sunday saved our spirits! We had District Conference (Like stake conference...but we are just branches so they call it a District)!! The Temple President came, a seventy came, the mission Presidency and the District President. We heard some awesome talks and learned a lot and it was PACKED. These members have some real faith. The whole time I was praying for an answer to a prayer, and nothing. I was a little disappointed.

UNTIL... my companion hasn't been feeling well and she asked for a blessing from the Pres then he offered to give me one too. I heard a lot of things I needed to hear and definitely got the answer to my prayer. Actually, I got the biggest spiritual confirmation that...Ok, I wanted to save this for Christmas, but I feel impressed to write it now.

I have been praying to know if I should extend my mission. Our President has given us all the opportunity to extend if we would like. I have been praying for awhile and I just haven't received an answer. SO, during the blessing I got the biggest spiritual confirmation that this is where I am supposed to be, and that I need to give it all I have for as long as I can. I know that I have more to do here and that there is more that I can do.

Which means that my new return date is scheduled for June 2015.

I don't think I have ever received a clearer answer from my Heavenly Father. I know that he answers our prayers in His time and he knows what's best for us.

Well, now to explain the awkward lunch. After the blessings, the President offered to give us a ride home, we live a little over an hour away from where the conference was. But, he told us that he had to eat first, and then invited us to eat with him, his family, the Temple Presidency, the Seventy, the District Presidency, the Mission Councilor, and his family. We walked into the room and it went dead silent and everyone stared at us and the other two sisters from Palenque. I don't think I have used such good manners during my whole mission. Really, it was so awkward, but they sat us at the kiddie table which helped a little bit. :)

Then we got to ride to Palenque with the President and his family and Elder Reyes of the Seventy. I brought some Laffy Taffy's (thanks, mom!) and they were a real ice breaker. Those jokes never get old! :)

I hope you all have a fantastic week! I love you all!

Hermana Riedelbach

P.S. I am sorry I don't have any pictures, I didn't take one picture this week!  Crazy!

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