Monday, September 15, 2014


Today is Mexican independence day! (What happened to Cinco de Mayo?) haha, we dressed up in Red, White and Green (I felt like Christmas) It got me so excited for Christmas, not to mention that all of the stores here already have Christmas stuff up! WOOT!

Ok, back on topic...This week was so good! We were able to find 7 new investigators and three of them accepted to be baptized. We have an appointment with them on Sunday so, I'm excited to see what happens!! They were a referral from our bishop. They actually asked to meet with us...WHAT? But they don't actually live in our, we are going to talk to the President this week to see what he says!

Yesterday we had a day full of food. I am not even kidding you, I have no idea how it all fit. We ate our main meal at 2ish (we both ate was delish) and then we went to an appointment. While we were on our way and investigator called and invited us to her birthday party. She wanted to invite us to eat cake. Of course, we said yes! But, during our appointment our investigators fed us Horchata and cookies. I drank two big glasses of Horchata and then we left to go to eat cake.

When we pulled up to the house we realized that it was a full on party, there was music playing and a lot of people there. We didn't know what to do, so we ran down the street to stall. Then we got a phone call from them and they told us they were waiting for us. So, we went back and they gave each of us a plate full of meat (three different kinds), and a bowl full of spaghetti. I wanted to cry. Then they brought out a bunch of soda and chicharrones. (google that one) wanted to be nice so I kept eating, then they brought out a cake, WHAT? I don't know how people do it. Finally, my companion said that she couldn't do it anymore and asked for a  Tupperware container. hahahah!

After the party, we went running to another appointment with Casandra (remember her?) She is so great! She has so many good questions which keep us on our toes. She came to church yesterday which was so good! She loved it and wanted to stay longer. She has plans to go to mutual this week! We tried to challenge her to baptism, but she had so many questions that we never got around to it. When we arrived at her house her grandma told us that she had dinner for us....AHHH. I wanted to die. But luckily, we were at her house until 8:50 pm and we have to be home by 9 pm so, we asked if we could take it to go, she said that was fine, and we went running.

We started getting worried because it was late, and we left our money at home so we couldn't pay for a taxi. As we were walking I said to my companion, 'The next taxi that honks at us I am going to ask if we can pay with food.' She just laughed at me. But the next taxi that honked, and rolled down his window  I Said, 'we don't have any money...but we have food!'  he asked us where were going, we told him, and he said get in! He was so nice and didn't accept our food either! Free taxi! woot woot!

Tonight we have two dinner appointments! Wish us luck! :)

A BIG Happy Birthday Shout Out! to Grandma Riedelbach and Andrea this week and Bebe, Cydnee and Carter next week!  I love and miss you all and hope you all have great birthdays!

I hope you all eat as much as I do this week! I love you all!

Hermana Riedelbach

This picture is a little strange but at least you'll understand my excitement for Christmas! 

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