Monday, April 27, 2015

A Week Full of Faith

This week may have been one of the most faith-filled weeks that I have ever had in my whole mission.

I wish I had time to detail everything out, but I don't so, here are the main points of the story.

Estefania: We wanted her to get baptized so bad, we had so much faith that she could do it, and well, she didn't know that we knew that she didn't want to get baptized. We weren't really planning on it or anything, and then the President called us on Tuesday night and told us that we needed to do everything in our power so that she could get baptized on her birthday.


We had no idea what to do, but we started planning everything, we even made invitations. Then we went to her house and we had the most spiritual lesson ever.  THE SPIRIT WAS SO STRONG and it wouldn't go away. We showed her the invitations and she couldn't stop smiling. AHH, but then it came to the part where we ask her to be baptized. She was so happy. Then she pulled out all of her doubts. Mainly tithing, I said why don't we just pray and ask God if you should be baptized?

So we prayed.

We asked her how she felt and she said that we needed to give her a call at 5pm to find out her answer.

We left, full of faith. (James 2:17) So we told the members, we made decorations. WE DID EVERYTHING. Acting on our faith, right? We spent the whole day planning a baptism.

5 o'clock rolled around and she wouldn't answer her phone. We called and called and called, and nothing.

Her baptism was scheduled for 8:30pm.

8:30 rolled around and still nothing.

8:45 and SHE ANSWERED! But, she said that she still didn't understand tithing, so she wasn't going to be baptized.

9:15 we finish talking to her and trying to help her understand tithing, but it's late and all the members went home.

Even though, it didn't go the way we wanted or how we felt like it would I learned so much and I know we did EVERYTHING in our power to help her get baptized. We didn't fail, we just have to keep trying. We talked to the President about it and he said that we did everything right.

I love the trails that help us learn and to grow. I have never prayed so hard and fasted so much in one week to see a miracle happen. It wasn't the miracle I wanted, but something changed inside of me.

I know Heavenly Father loves us and helps us learn and grow according to what we need and not what we want.

I love you all! Have a great week!

Hermana Riedelbach

Monday, April 20, 2015

Back to Palenque!

This week was full of surprises! Good ones and bad ones :)

On Tuesday, the President called me and told me that he had a favor to ask of me. He told me that he needed me to go back down to help the sisters in Palenque. I accepted, and my companion and I headed out Wednesday morning. We traveled 7 hours by bus and arrived in Palenque Wednesday night. I was able to work with Sister Lowe and her companion Sister Mancilla from Colombia. It was so much fun, but a lot of work. I was able to show them around my old area.

Palenque is a little hard to figure out because the houses don't have numbers. So, Hermana Lowe and Mancilla couldn't find a lot of our old investigators, we were able to show them around the area. My companion worked with Hermana Solis and Hermana Pérez. It was a lot of work, but we learned a lot. We headed back Thursday and then got to our area Friday morning.

Me and my companion

Saturday Estefania had her baptismal interview and well, because of some doubts that she had we will have to postpone her baptism. But, we went to one of investigators houses Saturday morning and had an awesome lesson! Her husband was even there and they really want to progress. They both came to church yesterday and the Bishop went to visit them with us last night. They are amazing. I know that they are ready. Nancy's brother is a Bishop here in Coatzacoalcos and he went with us on Saturday. He really is the best person ever. An Elder told me that he was the best man in all of México. I fully believe that. He is so humble and willing to help out. He changed his life completely when he got baptized, and has an earnest testimony of the Gospel.

Things are going well here in Tesoro. We are opening this area so it's a lot of work, but we have a lot of fun doing it. The members here are truly golden, I have met a lot of people during my mission but these people are full of love for everyone, and do anything and everything for us and our investigators.

Something else that is super cool:

When I was in Villahermosa I got to go back and work in Lindavista. I got to go see Casandra and I got to go visit a less active family that we activated in the church. We just happened to get there on the best night, The brother Esdras, had just gotten his mission call! I can't believe it. He got called to Chihuahua. He even let me open his mission call for him! Don't worry, I glued it back together so that he could open it the next day with his family and friends. This is what missionary work is about. I am so proud and happy for him, he will make a great missionary!

Well, I hope you all have a fantastic week! I love you all so very much :)

Hermana Riedelbach 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Celebrating with Ice Cream!

So, this week was super awesome! We got a notice that the President was going to be coming to our area, but we didn't know what for. They told me that we had to be at the Stake center Thursday at 10am for District Meeting.

We show up and start our classes and in walks the President and Sister Morales, the assistants, and some of the secretaries from the mission. WHAT!? I got so nervous. After class, we had Zone Conference for 5 minutes and then they announced that they would be working with us in our areas. I have to admit I was so nervous, but it all went so well!

They saw the apartment we just moved into last week and told us we have to move again. I hate house hunting. After that, we went out and starting working with the President's daughters. We helped a man clean a field, and we talked with everyone that we could find. When Sister Morales got there we just starting street contacting. We talked with everyone, It was so good! We had so much fun, and I felt so good. We didn't teach one lesson that day, we just talked with everyone.

We ended the night with Meet the Mormons, It's so good! Then the President took us to our area. On our way, Sister Morales told us that we do our work very well! We were so happy! Then on Saturday they call us and tell us to meet them at Dairy Queen at 5:30. When we got there they told us that they wanted to buy us ice cream because we are a great pair of missionaries that are really good at contacting! They said that we were the best! We felt so good about all that we had done the last couple of days!

We are going to have a baptism on April 22nd! I can't wait! her name is Estefania, she has such a desire to change and to be a part of this church! I wish I had more time to write about all the things that have happened! I have so much to tell you and no time. But, I guess we will have time in less than 2 months! :)

I love you all,

Hermana Riedelbach

Monday, April 6, 2015


Well, I am officially in VERACRUZ. I have now served in every state of our mission. CRAZY. Today I also hit my 17 month mark! AHH. I can't believe it.

I am in Tesoro which means Treasure! It's a really great area! Both myself and my companion were put here new, so it's been a week full of getting lost and trying to find our way. But, you end up learning a lot about your area that way.  :)

My companion is Hermana Zuñiga! She is from Sonora, Mexico, she is awesome! She is so funny. Hermana Pasley was her trainer.

I loved General Conference! I felt the spirit and have a ton of new goals that I have made for this year!

I know this is a lame email, but not a lot happened this week! We had to move today and figure all that stuff out, it's taken most of our day therefore, I don't have any time to write! Next week I will have more for you, promise!

I love you all!  Have a great week!

Hermana Riedelbach